Return Policy


If there is a problem with your order, please notify us immediately via our contact form or email at If an item has already been shipped we will not be able to cancel. 

Return Policy

Returns must be initiated within 14 days of delivery by contacting us at and returned within 30 days. All items returned must have all original tags, protective film and without damage. Returns will be inspected upon delivery and the refund will be initiated within 3 business days. Items returned in original condition will be subject to 20% restocking fee, any items returned NOT in the original condition will not be eligible for a refund.

Damage Claims

All shipments should be inspected upon receipt for shortages or damages immediately.  All damage or shortage claims must be sent to us within 14 days from delivery. 

Freight Expectations:

If a freight delivery is needed or may be needed please provide a phone number that the freight company can contact to schedule the delivery. If you are receiving a freight delivery that is damaged, do not sign or receive the delivery.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Customer service is extremely important to us.  We want you to be happy with your purchase.  Before you install, please let us know right away if you are unhappy. Once you have installed the product, we are unable to determine when the damage occurred and will not be able to replace or refund materials.